Hey folks, Alex here again!
If you've been following along with us on social media and reading our recent blog posts, you'll know that we've got not one, but two Redsky projects cooking right now: the 5e Starter Kit and the Boardgame.
Our initial plan was to launch the Starter Kit on Kickstarter next month, and then rapidly shift gears to launch the Boardgame early in the fall. We've got just five people shared between both teams, so our initial plan was ambitious to say the least.
Launching on that timetable would have meant compressing our marketing lead times to dangerously short windows, which would have prevented us from going to market with our best feet forward.
(This almost goes without saying, but it also would have involved crunching everyone on both teams.)
To maximize our chances of success, we voted to extend our marketing lead times on both projects.
Our updated timeline is below, but you'll also see a formal announcement from Solar Studios soon about our 2024/5 roadmap!
The Starter Kit's pre-launch is now live! (You can follow the project today!)
The Starter Kit will then launch in early August, 2024.
The Boardgame will pre-launch in October, 2024, and then launch in mid January, 2025.
Boardgame Launch Updates
In other major news, I am very happy to announce that earlier this month, we placed an order for review copies of the Boardgame!

This means that everything needed for the base version of the game has been completed (including the art for all 24 land tiles, each featuring unique art)! Everything was formatted according to the specifications of our manufacturer, and a small print run is now under way.
Copies will land in the hands of reviewers soon and we'll start to see our first sneak peeks of the game later this summer!
In the meantime, I will be releasing a blog post on the Boardgame every month, including a few dev diaries, some teasers of art and mechanics, and important updates as we get closer to launch.
We have tons to show you, so stay tuned! - Alex